
miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

Nunca más votaré por Marco Rubio

Nunca Más votaré por Marco Rubio. 
Tengo suficientes razones para ello. Desde que empezó todo el proceso electoral por la presidencia de este país, lo dije bien claro en este blog y en facebook. Desde entonces he recibido ataques de todo tipo, como si yo estuviera obligada a votar por Marco Rubio por el solo hecho de ser cubana.
Ayer por la mañana Marco Rubio estuvo aquí en Tampa. Habló para una audiencia de menos de mil personas, pero al parecer muchas de ellas cubanas que se sintieron comprometidas con la causa ¡¿cubana?!
Lo cierto es que una de esas personas que me conoce personalmente vino a mi casa a convencernos para que votáramos por Marco Rubio. Le dije con toda delicadeza que ya nuestros votos se lo habíamos dado a otros (3 por Ted Cruz y 4 por Donald Trump). La señora se indignó porque ella no podía entender que no votáramos por Marco Rubio. Traté de calmarla, y le di algunas razones entre ellas que Ted Cruz es tan cubano americano como Marcos. La señora pensó que por ese lado podía ablandarnos y me dijo que de todas formas áun estábamos a tiempo para que votáramos por Marco Rubio  usando otras boletas con firmas falsificadas en los sobres. Ahi perdí la paciencia y la boté de la casa.
¿Tanta es la desesperación de los simpatizantes de Marco Rubio en la comunidad cubana de la Florida que están proponiendo a los votantes cometer fraudes? Si lo han hecho no lo sé pero conmigo se equivocaron.
Por si fuera poco hoy, al abrir mi página de Facebook me encuentro un post puesto  por una persona que está haciendo campaña por Marco Rubio. Le respondí con argumentos sólidos, e inmediatamente entraron en pandilla a insultarme.

Pues bien para que a nadie más se le ocurra insinuarme que vote por Marco Rubio aquí les dejo algunas de  mis razones:

Marco Rubio no tiene un buen curriculum como senador.
Habla "bonito" repitiendo de memoria  bocadillos aprendidos para cada ocasión, en dependencia del momento y del publico. Suena falso. por que es falso. Jamás ha cumplido con lo que ha prometido en sus campañas políticas. Se aprovechó del Te Party declarándose en contra de la Immigración ilegal, entre otras cosas, para ganar apoyo. Tan pronto llegó al senado ha hecho todo lo contrario.

Marco Rubio ha apoyado  a Barack Hussein Obama en su agenda de desestabilizar al Medio Oriente. Hillary Clinton no es la única culpable de Benghazy. Armaron a un grupo de rebeldes para tumbar al tirano  Gadafy y resultó que esos rebeldes hoy son parte fundamental  del ejército de ISIS.


Marco Rubio como político es totalmente incompetente. .
 Los que hacen campaña a favor de Marco Rubio se equivocan terriblemente. Tratando de imponer sus criterios insultan a los que apoyamos a otros candidatos. A los seguidores de Trump nos han dicho desde ignorantes hasta traidores a la causa de Cuba, como si el Junior Senador Marco Rubio fuera la solución de los problemas de Cuba.

Pudiera llenar páginas escribiendo sobre todos los insultos que he  recibido en los debates en los que honestamente he planteado que mi voto se lo doy a D. J. Trump.
Un buen día descubrí la causa de tantos insultos. Marco Rubio acostumbra a llamarle a los seguidores de Trump, que son la mayoría blanca de la clase media "Basura blanca", analfabetos, marginados, tontos, etc.
  Desde que Jeb Bush se retiró de la carrera por la Casa Blanca, Marco Rubio se ha dedicado a insultar a Donald Trump, atacándolo groseramente, seguiendo las órdenes de los grupos financieros que están pagando sus campaña. Grupos que, por algunas razones, le temen a Donald Trump.

Marco Rubio se ha denigrado tanto que ya lo vemos convertido en el títere de Mitt Romney lidereando un supuesto movimiento anti Trump : Never Trump. Movimiento que deja mucho que desear porque hasta ahora Trump es el front runner del GOP, quien, hasta este momento, ha ganado trece estados mientras Marco sólo ha ganado dos.Competir con él no implica ir en contra de los principios fundamentales que todo partido politico debe respetar: "Ataca al mensaje, no al mensajero y mucho menos a sus seguidores".

 Trump no es un angel, tiene virtudes y defectos como todo ser humano, pero ha logrado catalizar la inconformidad, la frustración, la rebeldía de los republicanos que estamos cansados de la inoperancia del establishment y de todo el sistema. Trump tiene el apoyo de una gran mayoría de electores del partido republicano y de otros partidos. Ha sumado millones de votantes, necesarios e imprescindibles para sacar de la Casa Blanca a la administración demócrata lidereada por Barack Hussein Obama la cual pretende continuar la misma linea con Hillary Clinton.

Trump ha sumado porque ha convencido a sus seguidores con su plan para resolver los principales problemas que están destruyendo a este país, entre ellos el incremento en los últimos años de la immigración ilegal con todos los problemas que está acarrea; el monto de la deuda externa que ya llega a 19 trillones, las causas y efectos de la misma; los défices  financieros generados con los tratados de libre comercio en los que Estados Unidos pierde considerablemente con China, Mexico, Japón, etc, etc

Trump ha denunciado los problemas económicos, sociales, y políticos, incluyendo la seguridad nacional, que nos afectan y  que de continuar por ese rumbo acabarán por destruir a esta gran nación. En su proyecto propone soluciones viables para resolverlos. Como buen comunicar social, Trump convence, por eso muchos le damos todo el apoyo con nuestro voto,  para que pueda ponerlo en práctica si llega a la casa Blanca. (Para conocer las propuestas de Trump visite:

Si Marco Rubio no está de acuerdo con Trump que lo combata atacando sus propuestas no su personalidad, que dicho sea de paso es mucho más atractiva la personalidad  del billonario que la del pobre senador que le ha vendido el alma la diablo por tal de llegar a la Casa Blanca.

Esperanza E Serrano

Otras opiniones sobre Marco Rubio

El verdadero Marco Rubio.

Jacinto Descalzo Descalzo
 Pero veamos algunas cosas. Rubio habla en contra de los castro...pero voto a favor del democrata Kerry para secretario de estado. Kerry es la cara del bochornoso tratado con Iran y fue el desagradable individuo democrata que fue a la habana a estrechar la mano de raul Castro. Una cosa es que se promueva el acercamiento entre los ciudadanos de Cuba y estados Unidos. Y otra es que el gobierno de estados unidos (con Kerry a la cabeza visible) inaugure una embajada y reconozca un gobierno tirano de mas de 57 agnos. Rubio voto a favor de Kerry. Ted cruz voto en contra de Kerry. 2- Rubio dice que va a reducir los impuestos, pero no dice UNA PALABRA de como va a hacerlo. Ted CruZ tiene un plan de taxes visible . Eliminacion del pay roll tax. Solo un 10% de tax para las personas. 16% para las empresas. Y las familias no pagan im;puestos al IRS en los primeros 36 mil dolares. Ted Cruz habla de ABOLIr el IRS. Marco Rubio no dice una sola palabra sobre el IRS, porque esa es la policia politica del gobierno, y para eso hay que tener muchos pantalones . POr cierto Trump ni ningun otro candidato habla de abolir el iRS. 3- . DIce "Oponerse a la amnistia my cerrar la frontera" Con ese mensaje y promesa Marco Rubio fue electo senador. pero cuando llego al senado se unio a Obama y Schummer en el llamado Gang de los 8, que prometia amnistia y ciudadania a todos los ilegales. Se eligio prometiendo una cosa. Llego al senado e hizo otra, y ahora dice una cosa u otra, segun el dia que tenga. Ted Cruz se opuso energicamente a darle ciudadania a los ilegales que proponia Rubio, porque la mayoria de esos votos irian a parar al lado democrata. este era el verdadero objetivo de la amnistia que propuso Marco Rubio (intencional o no, eso lo sabe Rubio, no yo). 4- Habla de derogar Obamacare, pero no fue a votar (dos veces) cuando se discutio lo de planned parenthood, que es un asunto vital relacionado con este tema. Un punto importante para los conservadores. Ted Cruz voto las dos veces en contra de Planned Parenthod (una agencia investigada que utiliza dinero de los contribuyentes para cosas turbias).Marco rubio estuvo ausente.. No se trata de votar por alguien porque sea cubano. se trata de votar por el mejor de los candidatos
Ahora mismo Marco Rubio no resultaria electo ni siquiera en la Florida (en las encuestas esta perdiendo con Donald Trump). Por que? Porque los electores conservadores saben todo esto y le han retirado su voto. Como puede Rubio explicar que ni siquiera los electores del estado que lo eligio como senador voten en mayoria por el? Esa es la respuesta. Dice unas cosas. Pero vota por otras. Todo esto es record publico. Pueden ver el record de votaciones de marco Rubio. Tambien pueden ver el de Ted Cruz. Todo eso se puede ver en internet. Ahi se sabe quien es quien.
 More about Marco Rubio;

 Marco Rubio's tactics in attacking Ted Cruz's Senate record on immigration and national defense, among other things, were Alinskyite.  They were and still are simply and demonstrably dishonest.  Yet he persists, knowing full well that by the time the truth catches up with him, if ever, the damage will have been done.  More recently, Rubio and his campaign team have intensified and broadened their Alinskyite tactics, now focusing on the ultimate personal smear -- that Ted Cruz is a serial liar.  Even in this, Rubio is not original.  Of course, Donald Trump has been calling his opponents liars as an almost Tourette's-like response against anyone who reminds him of his past but recent support for leftists and leftist causes, some of whom and which he still embraces.

But Rubio's smears are part of a more deliberative and unrelenting propaganda campaign. They are now at the core of his campaign effort to dislodge Cruz and clear the field against Trump.

Saul Alinksy explained it this way:  “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”  Rubio fancies himself the next Ronald Reagan.  But such self-aggrandizement is unmerited.  He's more Alinsky.  Indeed, it was Reagan who, in his 1966 race for Governor of California, declared: "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."  I doubt Reagan would approve of Rubio's campaign of character assassination against Cruz.  In all the years I campaigned for Reagan and worked for his administration, I cannot recall Reagan ever talking about another Republican this way.  Certainly not as a relentless propaganda campaign. 

...when the candidate himself (Rubio) is the source of the Alinskyite tactics, not a staffer acting on his own, that's an entirely different matter.

Rubio, like Trump, has difficulty explaining his past positions.  For Trump, it doesn't seem to matter.  Moreover, Trump's resort to personal attacks can be followed up with evidence of his business accomplishments.  But Rubio has no significant accomplishments other than his election to various public offices.  He has few if any accomplishments outside of politics and virtually no accomplishments in public office as a U.S. senator.  In fact, Rubio's most notorious public act was as a senator, i.e., his leading role in crafting one of the most disastrous immigration bills in modern times, in knowing violation of his pledge to the voters of Florida in his last election.  Not only has Rubio's immigration record gone from anti-amnesty to pro-amnesty to utter incoherence, but the issue of his own integrity is at stake.  Thus, he employs Alinsky's rule and accuses Cruz of what he has actually become.  He now focuses the media on his own accusations rather than his own thin record.

Campaigns are usually tough.  No question about that.  As I write this, Cruz just dropped his communications director for re-tweeting a false tweet.  Perhaps there's more to it.  Trump fired some of his staff early on.  Carson did the same more recently.  But when the candidate himself (Rubio) is the source of the Alinskyite tactics, not a staffer acting on his own, that's an entirely different matter. I had high hopes for Rubio when I was among his earliest supporters against Charlie Crist in Florida.  But I'm deeply disappointed in him, as are many who voted for him.  The growing endorsements for Rubio's presidential candidacy from establishment Republicans, most of whom cannot better articulate his accomplishments than he can, emphasize the point. 

It is not too late for Rubio to reverse course.  But I doubt he will.  Polling in South Carolina shows that he (along with Trump) was successful with this tac
- See more at:
The Conservative Case Against Marco Rubio
John Hawkins | Feb 23, 2016
John Hawkins

Marco Rubio may not be a squish on most issues, but it doesn’t change the fact that his Gang-of-8 Amnesty Bill is unforgivable. Nobody would be campaigning harder against Marco Rubio today than Marco Rubio back in 2010 when he desperately needed to convince Tea Partiers he was tough on immigration to get elected. You could write a whole article on how bad Rubio’s bill was (In fact, I did), but let me cut to the chase for you.

A)Rubio’s sell-out on immigration was the biggest betrayal of conservatives since George Bush’s dad said, “Read my lips, no new taxes” and then raised taxes. How do you trust Rubio on any issue after he so blatantly lied on immigration? Rubio running for President today is like Benedict Arnold running for President in 1788.

B) The Gang-of-8 Bill was little more than a Democrat wish list with a couple of bells and whistles slapped on to give cover for squishy Republicans to support it as well. The bill legalized illegals before adding in any kind of security and despite Rubio’s dishonest hype, it would have done little to secure the border. Between giving citizenship to illegal aliens and massive increases in legal immigration, Rubio’s bill would have demographically marginalized conservatism in America.

If Rubio becomes President and implements something like his Gang-of-8 Bill, then liberals will be destined to win in the future on every issue that matters. I’m not someone who believes you win in politics by losing, but it’s entirely possible that 4-8 years of Hillary Clinton decimating the country and stacking the Supreme Court would do far less damage to the country than the immigration plan Marco Rubio would likely implement if he becomes President.

C) Rubio’s excuses for his betrayal are ridiculous. Oh, we have ISIS now; so we have to secure the border. Well, we had Al-Qaeda then. Stopping that terrorist organization from getting across the border wasn’t important? Rubio also claims that he gave the Democrats almost everything they wanted in hopes that the House would improve the bill. In other words, Rubio was willing to turn the Senate bill into little more than Barack Obama’s wish list in hopes that John Boehner of all people would negotiate a tough conservative plan? You’d have to be dumber than Meghan McCain to believe that the same guy who caved every time he went up against Obama was going to come up with a great bill after Rubio made him negotiate from a position of weakness. In actuality, Rubio was hoping the pro-amnesty leadership of the House would ignore the Hastert rule and would push an immigration bill through with a few moderate Republicans and all the Democrats helping out. When a guy shoves a knife in your back that deeply and won’t even come clean about it, how do you trust him?

D) Even today, Rubio fully admits that he wants to give citizenship to illegal aliens – and that’s during a Presidential race. You really think that sounds like someone who is going to get tough on illegal immigration or build a wall if he gets elected? Keep in mind that if Rubio becomes President and is perfect in every other way, but is lying on illegal immigration again, it means the end of the conservative movement in America. Choosing him as our nominee would be like playing Russian Roulette with 5 bullets in the chamber.

Of course, the Republicans in the establishment are happy to play that game and have decided that “Lil Jeb” is their chosen candidate. In large part, that’s because they expect him to betray conservatives on amnesty again, but it’s also because they don’t believe Rubio will shake things up too much. They don’t think he’ll roll back Obamacare, they don’t think he’ll kick any connected consultants off the gravy train, they don’t believe he’ll listen to those “wackobirds” that John McCain hates so much. After the most radical President in American history has stomped all over the Constitution for 8 years to drag the country to the Left, is it worth risking the country on someone backed by the establishment Republicans because they believe he’s a go-along-to-get-along status quo candidate?

Oh, but the establishment Republicans say Rubio is the most electable candidate. Of course, that’s what they always say about whoever their golden boy happens to be. It’s what they said about Dole, McCain and Romney. They were wrong about them and they’re wrong about Rubio, too.

Don’t get the wrong idea. Rubio could certainly win, but he probably wouldn’t be as electable as Cruz or God help us all, even Kasich despite his solid head-to-head numbers against Hillary.


Keep in mind that Rubio can’t win a general election unless he gets the support of the 30-35% of GOP voters that currently support Donald Trump. Do you really think that after supporting Trump for months, those voters are going to fall in line behind an establishment candidate who is best known for betraying the people who supported him to push amnesty and open borders? Moreover, consider the fact that 60% of GOP voters have consistently been going for the outsider candidates (Trump, Cruz and Carson). Do you really think all those people are going to shrug off this entire crazy primary season and eat the same old crap sandwich from the establishment again?

Beyond that, although Rubio is generally a solid debater, he turned in one of the worst debate performances anyone has seen with his “Robot Rubio” performance. What if it happens again in a general election debate? He’s also generally very scripted, inauthentic and his pathetic non-response to every genuine attack on his record is , “That’s a lie.” Furthermore, maybe we should consider the fact that a candidate who wants the NSA to snoop on our phone records, showed terrible judgment in supporting the overthrow of Libya and who comes off like he can’t wait to get in another ground war in the Middle East isn’t going to be wildly popular with the American electorate in 2016.
It has been an unpredictable election season and we still don’t know who the GOP nominee will be. However, if it turns out to be a guy who did the same thing to conservatives on immigration that Jane Fonda did to the troops during Vietnam, the Republican Party will richly deserve to lose.

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